Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thank you...thank you very much for sharing. I know exactly what you're talking about with the hairs on the chinny chin chin :-) I too have discovered some extra company in that area. The funny thing is I found myself pulling on them just as an unconscious habit, drawing more attention than needed. I don't want to become too comfortable with them so I discovered you can wax them along with the eye brows.

I use to think the ladies at the nail shop were trying to really be my friend, when they asked "what's your name?" and I tell them, then they say "you want chin done too?" Well, I thought maybe they're trying to teach me their language or giving me an Asian name "Chin-done To" :-0 I guess that's why every time they asked my name and I said that, I received a chin waxing :-/ Just a brief observation... You know... like another finding forty type of fact.

Actually I hear it's due to the hormone changes in the body, that will sometimes cause our hair to thin on our head but start to grow on our chins and chest. It's like the body's program get confused or something; places where hair never grew before, it starts to grow and where it use to be, it just stop showing up one day; one by one moving out and relocating. I guess the chin and chest are nice retirement spots on the body. I keep my wax right on my vanity along with the rest of my "keep-it-right" youthful tools and elixirs. Wishing a hair would try to show out now.

You know it's not just women that go through these changes, men do too. Everyday I hear stories of how it was one hair then next it was ten. Different sections started slowly moving out and before they had time to really even accept the break up, it was over. I had one friend who had dreadlocks, that use to be full and beautiful. Then slowly one would fall off every now and again, but he had more so it would be okay; no one would even notice. Well around that time he was considering the comb over dreadlocks, it was that night he came to himself in a dream and said in a serious tone "one day you're going to wake up and they (the dreadlocks) will all be on that pillow, but you will not be there". He said that next morning he got up and cut them all off and let's just say it's a good thing he has a head that looks good ball. :-)

I'll finish with this...This is exactly why it's important to work on the person within because the person without is going to change and whether it's for the bad or the better, you're going to need someone to hold you up or down one day and if it's because of the person within it won't matter what the person on the outside look like; they'll have YOU no matter what.

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